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时间:2021-03-13 19:16  来源:森兹原创



  There will be some faults in the use of Roots blower. Many people don't know how to repair it because they don't know much about it. Today's small series will show you how to solve the gap problem of Roots blower.


  Talking about V-belt drive. Its working principle is a cylinder with two panels and two parallel long axes in the cross section of impeller, which is exactly half of the "engagement point" falling between the centers of rotor connection. Between the impeller and the wall between the impeller and the shell between the two impeller, need to maintain a certain amount of clearance, strategy, to ensure the operation of the fan. If the clearance is too large, the gas compressor returns through the increase of clearance and the influence of fan efficiency; if the clearance is too small, the impeller and impeller shell or mutual collision between the normal operation of the wind turbine may be affected due to thermal expansion.


  Talking about V-belt drive. Its working principle is a cylinder with two panels and two parallel long axes in the cross section of impeller, which is exactly half of the "engagement point" falling between the centers of rotor connection. Between the impeller and the wall between the impeller and the shell between the two impeller, need to maintain a certain amount of clearance, strategy, to ensure the operation of the fan. If the clearance is too large, the gas compressor returns through the increase of clearance and the influence of fan efficiency; if the clearance is too small, the impeller and impeller shell or mutual collision between the normal operation of the wind turbine may be affected due to thermal expansion.

  如果发现叶轮外端与机壳摩擦,应拆下风扇齿轮箱盖,松开风扇两端的螺栓,拆下定位销。 外径表头在传动齿轮和另一端滑轮上分贝。 用铜锤轻轻对称地敲击齿轮和另一端的滑轮。 每个水龙头都用计算尺测量。 重复,直到间隙满足,然后对称地紧固螺栓两端的壳体。

  If the outer end of the impeller is found to be in friction with the casing, remove the fan gearbox cover, loosen the bolts at both ends of the fan, and remove the locating pin. The outer diameter meter is decibel on the driving gear and pulley at the other end. Tap the gear and the pulley at the other end gently and symmetrically with a copper hammer. Each tap is measured with a slide rule. Repeat until the gap is met, then tighten the housing symmetrically at both ends of the bolt.


  If we find that the end face of the impeller rubs against the wall plate of the side wall of the casing, we can use feeler gauge to check and analyze the clearance between the impeller and the side wall of the casing, screw out the screws of the bearing cover of the fixed equipment, add or extract the pad paper between the bearing seat and the bearing cover at the pulley end to adjust, so that the impeller can move in the axial direction. It depends on the measured clearance. After the effect is corrected, the bolts shall be tightened symmetrically to fix the bearing cover.









  空气悬浮风机在各行业有普遍的用处,下面简单引见几点空气悬浮风机日常运转中需求留意的事项: 碳酸钙用空气悬浮风机开机和关机前翻开放空阀门,保证空气悬浮风机在无负荷状态下启动和关停。消费过程中留意察看,电流不要超越电机额定电流。

  空气悬浮风机每运转12小时用水冲洗一次,40立方鼓风机用水量10升,60立方鼓风机恰当增加冲洗水量。(冲洗用水,热水更佳) 碳酸钙空气悬浮风机,空气悬浮风机运转5-7天调整三角带松紧度(调紧。皮带过松会招致风量缺乏,电机微风机易损坏)运转1个月再调一次。






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