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时间:2021-03-09 11:29  来源:森兹原创


  双油箱磁悬浮风机一般用在高压力上,当风机的压力过60kpa时,称作高压力。在这种情况下风机的压力很高,风机的转速也会很高,通常我们会采用双油箱润滑,所谓双油箱也就是两边的轴承和齿轮都浸泡在机油里面,这样大大提高了风机轴承的润滑,当压力过78kpa时,我们建议在油箱上面加上水冷装置,即水冷却。这样能降低风机油箱的温度 ,大大提高了磁悬浮风机的使用寿命。

  The difference of Roots blower belt drive and direct drive

  关键词:Roots blower, roots blower, L type roots blower, roots blower, roots blower manufacturers, models

  The difference about the roots blower belt drive and direct drive

  First said clover Roots blower with triangle belt transmission and direct drive two transmission mode, below small make up about two ways: the advantages and disadvantages of triangle belt transmission is characterized by changing the diameter of the belt wheel to change the size of the roots blower speed highly, can change the roots blower flexible flow is we said air flow, but also has drawbacks, triangle quality again good belt has the life, a long time to the timely replacement of triangular belt, and in the use process with triangle to lie between period of time to adjust the air volume of the fan, slipping or insufficient phenomenon triangle belt loose, motor matched is generally the 4 stage motor. Direct drive motor and blower directly connected together through the shaft coupling, but it can not change the speed of the fan and the air flow of the fan, the connection way to avoid replacing and adjusting belt, improving the mechanical efficiency, matching motor is level 4 and level 6 motor motor, specifically to see how much pressure and the volume of Roots blower needed by the customer's.

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